mercredi, janvier 18, 2006

all hail the best blonde joke

i'm not really into sexist jokes, but this just got me rolling off the ground, it is just too hilarious:
the best blonde joke


bizarre egg dream

last night, i had one of the most bizarre dream ever..

was watching a short clip sent via email by my sister about a guy who could peel a boiled egg by blowing out the egg! how? he just peeled off a small portion of the top and bottom of the egg, and blow really hard into of the holes. and out came the egg from the other.. haha

then, in my dream, i just kept doing it!! i was somewhere, with some people i can vaguely recall now, and somehow there were boiled eggs..
so somehow, i used the same method to blow out the eggs for them.. man..
talk about strange dreams..

people said that you would dream of things you had thought about in the day, especially of some importance to you.. but eggs?? c'est bizarre quoi, non?

oh well, some interesting things to start your day with.. haha

samedi, janvier 14, 2006

foot wip

salut a tous..
after battling with bad topologies and redos, my basic foot is done! well, alomst..
here's a basic shot of it, definitely in need of refinement, especially the ankle part and the general geometry..
but i'm quite done for today..

front view

back view

hand wip 2

finally, the hand is done..
there was a part that the topology was quite messy, so i spent most of the time tidying it up.. but it was a good practice to learn to clean up mistakes you have made earlier so that it would not affect the animation later on..

now, my bed beckons..

vendredi, janvier 13, 2006

hand wip

just an update on my hands i'm working on in the morning..
done with the palm, but still many adjustments to do before its complete..

fingers wip

made these fingers in about an hour's time, following some guidelines by a book i've borrowed from my art director ron..
it may not be the fastest way to do it, but i think it suffices for me as a beginner in modelling fingers and feet..
some screenshots below..

now i need to do a reference hand so as to make them to scale with my male character..
it will eat up the rest of the day and tomorrow, hopefully by then i would have finished its rigging and animation..

my wip

i will try to start blogging again.. haha..
after a break of so many months, i think it would be a good start for year 2006..
it would be a diary for my animation project also..
something for me to keep track of what i've done so far..

i was doing some technical research for modelling, rigging and animating a character..
here's some pics of what i've reach so far..
i pray for your comments and critics also.. cheers

front view

45 degree front view

side view

45 degree back view

back view

close up of the head..
today i'll start on his palms and feet..