dimanche, juillet 31, 2005

national library re-opens..

finally, the talk of the town has finally unveiled itself, after 2 years of construction..
the new national library, relocated from its former site just beside the national museum..
huge is what i can only describe of the place..

10 storeys tall, of which 7 house reference materials from arts to science, sports to literature, chinese to malay..
i was quite confused initially when i visited the levels one by one, until i reached the top, and asked myself: "where are there only reference materials?? you mean i can't borrow any books from this library? then why is it been constructed, with so much hype and stuff like that?"

it was only when i descended to the first storey the query answered itself, i have missed the basement totally..
and that is exactly where they house all the books for borrowing.. silly o' me..

nice posh sofas, well designed shelves, hi-tech interactive pc stations.. very inducive for reading indeed, but the crowd was just a bit too overwhelming for me, well, at least..

oh well, at least it has become another landmark on this tiny little spot on the map called singapore..

mardi, juillet 26, 2005

365th day from graduation

1st day of a new semester..
after a year's absence from ntu, after 6 months internship, it sure feels weird to be a student in ntu again..
to attend lectures, go tutorials, do projects all over again..

but it sure's good to meet all my friends again..
i hardly did any serious studying today..
just clearing up some administrations and catching up with friends over coffee in the newly re-vamped canteen a..
and enjoying the welcome fair for the freshies..

one very good sign for school of computer engineering (sce): the influx of more females into this once-guys-infested faculty.. sure makes going lectures more enjoyable..

only comment for my blog: too much words..
oh well, to each on its own..

le prémier journée du nouveau semestre..
après un an d'absence au ntu, après 6 mois du stage, ça me sens très bizarre d'étre un étudiant au ntu encore une fois..
pour suivre des cours, pour aller au travaux dirigés, pour faire des projets encore aussi..

mais comme même, ça me plait pour rencontrer avec mes amis..
je n'ai pas à peine travaillé serieusement aujourd'hui..
c'est juste à faire l'administratif et se parler avec des amis avec café dans le redécoré canteen a..
et au même temps, m'occuper au fête du bienvenue aux nouveau étudiants..

un vraiment bon signe à la faculté du genie d'informatique: le croissance du nombré des femmes à cette faculté infesté des hommes.. ça fait plasir pour aller au cours..
un commentaire pour mon blog: trops des mots..
bon ben, à chaque le sien..

mercredi, juillet 06, 2005

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vendredi, juillet 01, 2005


what an interesting news i've got today..
i received an e-mail from international office of ntu informing me that i'm going to be the buddy of an international student, and of all the places in europe, they have paired me up with.. a finnish guy!
now, isn't it just so coincidence that one of the best friends i've made when i was in troyes also came from that nordic country! hmm.. talk about affinity man..

it wasn't without warning of course, since i've signed up for buddy system for international students just a few days ago, when the bomb dropped on me today..
i accepted it with grace and excitement, of course..

he's due to arrive to singapore 17th jul..
of course, i would wish more to come from his country of his neighbours..