hasa comp 1.0
been hunting for one on the local cycling forums for weeks, i was hoping to get a polygon or gt bike, but most were selling entry-level mountain bikes from $300 onwards..
finally saw a seller selling this hasa for $200 negotiable, and he is staying in yishun, which is a good combination because i'm living so near and is within my budget for a second-hand one..
arranged for a meeting last friday evening, but didn't meet up due to bad communication: my handphone went flat as i have forgotten to charge it that day, and so was his, so he couldn't pick up my call.. i thought we have arranged for an earlier time since i finished my tuition earlier than expected, so after waiting for some time and not seeing him coming, i left for another appointment.. but he arrived 5 minutes after i left! that was from his message sent to me when i was able on my phone after reaching home..
called immediately to apologise and arranged for another meeting the next morning.. it looked new with little scratches.. tested it: brakes and suspension are fine, gear shifting is smooth.. looked like this is it! and he is throwing in the speedometer for free..
after some haggling, managed to reduce the price to $180.. now it's resting in my place, waiting to be taken out for a ride..
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