bizarre egg dream

last night, i had one of the most bizarre dream ever..
was watching a short clip sent via email by my sister about a guy who could peel a boiled egg by blowing out the egg! how? he just peeled off a small portion of the top and bottom of the egg, and blow really hard into of the holes. and out came the egg from the other.. haha
then, in my dream, i just kept doing it!! i was somewhere, with some people i can vaguely recall now, and somehow there were boiled eggs..
so somehow, i used the same method to blow out the eggs for them.. man..
talk about strange dreams..
people said that you would dream of things you had thought about in the day, especially of some importance to you.. but eggs?? c'est bizarre quoi, non?
oh well, some interesting things to start your day with.. haha
Hey derrick
Nope, i ain't updating my that blog anymore. It's strictly for travel pics only. Plus I dun think got much space for pics left.
I still dun understand how u peel the egg by blowing.
haha all i noe is that ur dream is very kinky :p
oops my brain notti :P
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