a fresh coat of paint!
yes.. but take a look of my room before the painting..
and presto, with the twitch of the finger (actually it was hours of laborious painting and touching up, till around 9pm), my room is now washed with a fresh coat of cool lime..
we were rather worried when we started off with this color as it was seldom seen to be used by orientals for their rooms.. it was so striking, especially with the sun shining into our room.. we should have gotten the classical apple green or the neo-classic jade green, we thought..
but in the end, when the bookshelf was back in place and the blue blinds fixed back, it didn't seem that striking anymore, but rather, the dark finish of the bookshelf and the light blue of the blinds stood out from the green.. this cool lime has the effect of making other colors stand out.. so we were contented.. but pretty exhausted..
next to come: the wardrobe, the storage shelves and the bed.. too excited..