Hauskaa Vappu
oh well, this may not concern most of you, unless my finnish friends happened upon my blog..

it's the celebration for the start of spring in finland, yes, their spring so start a bit late and their autumn comes rather early too.. haha.. in fact, they get about 3 months of warm weather out of 12!! imagine that!!..
like us, it's a public holiday for them and they have lots of activities going around the country, like taking a dip in the chilly river, decorating everywhere with ballons and fighting with water ballons, and many many more..
for more info, google's full of them.. check it up yourself..
and for matti and mina, aira and reijo, mari 1 and 2, sanna and aki, have fun!!
Moi Derrick! Thanks for remembering us. I have to correct your exellent Finnish: "Hauskaa Vappua!" ;) The technical student of Tampere usually say wappu.
I had the warmest wappu ever here in Troyes. I missed our traditions in Tampere, but instead we had party of funny hats (me and Mari II had our REAL students' hats) in bungalow 6, on Sunday we had a pique-nique on the grass - I drunk too much sparkling wine... So quite well even if I'm abroad. It's hard to explain to everybody that wappu is THE party to technical students. They say in Tampere that the whole year the students are hiding in Hervanta (where the university is, a part of city, some 8 km from the city center) and when wappu comes, they are invading the whole city. :)
Here in Troyes the weather is very summer-like, already too warm for me. Hope everythings is fine with you. Take care, Mari I
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