date: 17th apr 05
venue: ntu src spectator stand
purpose: son's birthday, 2nd from the right
presence: li jun, moi, jianggun, son and juan
well, i am really guilty that he had postponed this rendez-vous for 3 weeks because of me..
i was not free for the past 3 weekends due to personal commitments..
well, it finally happened..
i think it's a very good idea to meet up once every while just to catch up, although we meet quite frequently on msn, but it's very different when you are seeing the person face to face..
i personally think human contact is very essential and a commodity, especially in such a technologically-inclined society as now, where distance between people is becoming so fine and undefined, i could jolly well talk to a person in germany and watch her in real-time, as if she's just next door, ot just next to you!
well, sometimes you might just fall into this scenario which has happened to me countless of times that you rather converse to a person sitting just next to you via chat services rather than talking to him/her directly..
generally, we chatted about france, the french universities, our attachment(stage), Final Year Project(FYP), and anything under the flourescent lights, well, we were under couple of them anyway.. haha..
sometimes i do wonder why its harder to meet up with local friends, i wonder..
is it because we take for granted that they be here for years to come, that we have every opportunity to meet up the next time, well, i don't know..
as for them, i hold them dear in my heart, very good friends we have become, although our meeting willl end sooner than we think, but oh well, asia is not too big, vietnam and china are just couple of hours away by plane, which is getting cheaper by the day with the influx of budget airlines..
i think i swing between extremes, either i write alot all at once, or i don't write at all for days.. oh well..

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