un long dimanche de fiancailles
well, finally, after 3 and 1/2 months, i've finished my first french novel, titled "un long dimanche de fiancailles", which means "a very long engagement"..

it should not be unfamiliar, because it was aired in many cinemas here about 2 months back, or something like that..
beautiful movie - watched it in france-, it was so huge, there were posters everywhere months before they hit the cinema..
but i think it was not that huge here in singapore, well, at least to the frenchs who are living here, it's something in their patriotism, and those who are learning french here, including yours truly, it is..
anyway, back to the novel, hard to understand, i had to practically carry my french-english dictionary with me when reading..
at least it keep my french going, maybe not improving, but at least i'm not losing it either.. oh well, mieux que rien(better than nothing!)..
so, being much the wiser, i shall stick to an easier french novel in the future.. but be sure to watch this show, get it from the dvd shop, download from bittorrent, kazaa, burn from your friends, whatever ok, just get it! you won't regret it..
-> "back to the novel, hard to understand"
i can see that. lol
but how could u read it all! i bought some books in french and just read 20 pages or what..
This is Sung, by the way. ^^
-> "but how could u read it all!"
well, i do it rather leisurely, i read about 3 to 5 pages each day.. read a paragraph, then check all the words that i don't know, then re-read the paragraph again, now understandin it better but not totally thou! then i move on to the next para.. haha
the start was reallllly hard, i almost gave up.. je n'ai pas compris rien!! but i persisted..
n its also the fact that i like reading, mayb it helped a bit? i dunno.. ;)
Hehehe you are encouraging pirating mate!! with the kazaa, burning and all that.
sung: anyway, i tried going to your blog the other time but it failed.. what's the website again?
jono: hey bro, it was to 'test' out the movie you would like to watch, and if you like it, then go buy the original copy.. if you are ready to pay the high price for the original man.. haha.. well, i'm not encouraging but i'm not disapprove of it either.. hhaa
Ei, how the hell did you do that? you are great man.. i wanna learn french too! may be we can talk sometime.. if you have time tag me up some time in my site anthony.i.ph!
have a nice day.
i dont blog recently though
i miss u! ;)
-> i miss u! ;)
aww.. no wonder i kept sneezing these few days.. haha..
je te marque beaucoup aussi mais, fin, je dois aller au koree si j'ai le chance.. ;)
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