capoeira argola de ouro

the capoeira group that i'm training with in singapore..
well, if you are interesting in findin out more about this martial arts and its culture, just click on the link above..
or, you can come find out more from yours truly, jet lee..
which is me, of course, that's my capoeira name given by my capoeira professor in troyes, but i think it would be changed here by my new professor..
i do hope it will be something good..
already there's one guy who was given the name 'smurfs' because his handphone rang during last saturday's training, and what better tune to put as the ringtone than the opening music of 'smurfs'!! haha..
been limping whole day since i tore the skin of my feet during capoeira on wednesday..
left toe is not too bad, the right one is painful because it tore twice at the same area.. so raw the new skin is now..
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