end or another day, another study week, another month of the semestre..
dun really know if i prefer time 2 go slow or fast..
slow so i can enjoy more of my time here, the culture, the architectures, the monuments.. the frens here.. the impedin winter n snow..
fats so i can return to familiar sunny tropical spore 2 my family n frens.. the food, the sun, the food.. the CHEAP food.. haha..
spent most of last nite tryin 2 settle the trip 2 spain durin the vacation..
findin enuf ppl so we can share the van , tryin 2 book the tics soon b4 it get anymore expensive..
which already had.. frm 35euros to 63.. grrr.. sud hav done it the nite b4.. oh well.. c'est le vie!
after 2 hrs of scramblin frm 1 place 2 another due 2 the lack of common mode of communication: the hp n internet.. finally got everything settled.. n missed my gymnastics session..
so i think i will hav a quiet week-end: perhaps some boulderin tomorrow mornin, visit the bookshop at centre-ville or do some shoppin, n hopefully a dinner at my french fren's place..
n sleep till the sun's pokin on my butt the nex.. b4 the nex routine commences.. haha
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