coincidence or fate..?
i think it's something which would happen to everyone of us along our path in life..
see, i had been looking for a job as a programmer for couple of gaming studios for now.. well, 2 has replied to my application and i have met them couple of times already..
my highlight is on one of the 2 companies called ksatria gameworks.. a new startup game studio.. and guess what is so unique, and so coincidental? it's a french company.. and my tactic was simple: on my resume, i simply wrote down that i've been studying french and I've actually stayed here for 6 months, to which he found interesting, so therefore the interview.. it was last november..
we have agreed to meet again in end march as its much nearer to my graduation date, or the last day in the god-forsaken place.. well, close.. don't you agree?
i met up with them on tuesday, and they have since moved to a bigger office to accommodate more staffs, and more place for them to drink coffee.. well, they are french afterall.. no.. i was just joking about the last part.. they have quite a number of singaporean employees.. a young and energetic lot of them..
well, we were at the end of the 'business' talk and i asked him what game is the company currently working on, some fps-rpg game based on some old gamebook he said, so i asked is it lone wolf, and he was surprised on the fact that knew.. i kind of cheated because i've already saw some of the lone wolf books in the room that we were talking..

here comes the bang: i was an avid fan of the gamebook series lone wolf!! and the coincidence or fate that they are working on it now just make it more fascinating..
for the uninitiated, lone wolf is a very old yet amazing game book series in the 80's, along with other series like 'the way of the tiger' and another game whose name i've forgotten.. couple of us are playing it like crazy during our primary school days.. it follows a lone survivor of a massacre of the kai disciples, and his mission is to hunt down the man or thing behind that massacre and bring order back to sommerlund again, while at the same time training to up his level of the kai order.. by now you might have imagined that i'm talking french now.. something illiterate to most who had not played it before..
such coincidence.. or should i say fate has unconsciously worked its way around that i would chance upon this company which did not advertise on more typical medium like the classified ads.. i found this company at the forum of igda.. now the more i wish i could be employed into that company, so i could have the chance to contribute to my favourite game.. surely there's a higher being up there reading all this no?
oh well, on top of that, i must concentrate on getting through those exams and a final oral presentation of my project.. then could i be considered free.. oh well.. the light at the end of the dark cave is nigh.. i can feel it..
Lone wolf?
I used to read it too when I was in primary sch but all I could remember now is that it was damn difficult to read and used many bombastic words compared to other fantasy books like david eddings or c s lewis
hah.. well i think that's because we were still young then to understand most of those difficult words.. and i can't compare since i have not read the others.. i'm not much a reader but a gamer.. haha..
I love the Lone Wolf series.. they were just so cool during our time! Actually nobody bothers to read the contents lar, my classmates and I simply browsed through the book.. just pay attention to the important things.. eg like getting the Sommersword :P
I dun remember much about the contents.. but we'll keep rubbing the pages at the front until torn and tattered. Kekeke.
ya.. i rem that also.. because we need to update our skills and inventory all the time!! haha.. so i made one on another paper instead.. and of course who could forget that we would cheat on the number matrix while fighting monsters? haha..
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