capoeira workshop day 1

simply outstanding..
day 1 of the 3-day capoeira workshop at nus..
the turnout was better than ihad expected initially, there were about 30 newbies who came for the workshop, and around 50 capoeiristas from around the region, manila to be exact..
we were so fortunate to be graced with capoeira mestres from switzerland, germany, philippines, and other countries which i can't recall at this moment..
and also, the brazilian ambassador from brazil embassy, who had himself trained capoeira when he was 'our' age, so you can roughly guess his 'actual' age now, haha..
we started by singing some capoeira songs to build up synergy, led by mestre xxx from switzerland. i got to tell you, no one would ever let him stay in a hdb, cause he can sing the whole building down with his strong and powerful chords..
towering over 8 feet, the tallest mestre easily, but respectful he is.. bowing and praying whenever playing with us or mestre ousado..
next, we started learning some new yet very effective moves from a mestre from germany. well, no point describing here, too lasy to type it all out anyway.. haha..
time flew like bulllet, and we were almost at the end of the workshop, but of course not without ending with a much-anticipated roda.. it was the batizado for denise and another malay gal who are leaving the country before wednesday, our official batizado..
the roda started with mestre ousado with another mestre.. a display of angola capoeira at its purest form.. the movements of deceit and counterattacks were just too fantastic.. some much pointers could be taken from that game itself..
next, all are welcomed to play in the roda. the mestres, the instructors, and us capoeiristas.. all of us had a common but unspoken aim, to see the mestres perform their gravity-defying moves, like back sommersault, the s-dobrado to 360-one-hand-spin, you get the picture..
i managed to get 2 short clips today, will host it by tomorrow for all to download. i'm still waiting for the pictures from others.. so stay tuned..
well, very tired now, but still need to do some reading before sucumbing to fatigue for tomorrow is day 2..
Wished i were there to see them doing the somersaults on mphsh flooring.
would be able to draw inspiration from them..haha
looking forward to your videos and any pics, dude
hey bro..
haha, how am i to know? haha, so sorry man..
alrite, will c u tonite.. cheers
hey derrick
congrats on getting the corda
what does your capoeira name mean?
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