
found this stunning picture while surfing the net, no, not because i'm bored and have nothing to do, because i need to..
well well, what a wonderful excuse, you might say, but really!
it has of course everything to do with my work, i need ideas for the background for my storyboard for my final year project..
for one, i'm very fortunate to be able to have a fyp which allows me to:
1. draw pictures and pictures and pictures,
2. design characters, scenes, monsters(i hope),
3. create a story,
4. plan,
5. produce,
6. direct,
7. model (well, 3d, that is),
8. animate,
9. rig,
10. edit,
i mean, have you ever heard that a technological university that ever provide such project for their students? i think not!
but anyway, finally after 6 weeks of cracking our brains and arguing over clashs of ideas, our story for the animated commercial is close to its birth..
all we need is the detailed storyboard and its characters, which is why i'm still working hard on it, to get in time for the discussions tomorrow, which i think is today now, since it has already past midnight..
now, i need sleep..
hey tis is wedsite wif tons of wallpapers but i think they are not really the type tat you need but can take a look :D
good luck wif your presentation!
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