dat's the host, liping is her name by the way, in the middle, sung, the korean gal on the left, of cse, there's not other gals here, n the hunk on the rite.. haha.. jus look dat the spread of cuisine she had prepared for us.. 4 dishes!! and soup!! n look at the size of my bowl!! hah.. n i had 2 of dat.. gluttony took over me yesterday.. and man do i enjoy dat!! but i had too much, so much dat its hard 4 me the breathe or move.. i jus wat 2 sit there n i felt soooo sleepy.. if not 4 the short walk we took after dat, i think i could hav jus slept there!! it was so hard even when we tried to dance some salsa.. yes, i forgot to mention dat she's my salsa dancin partner too.. dun think dat jus becos she looked petite, she dances fabulously!!

hey hey!! sounds like u're having a ball of a time there.... =) i'm SOOOO jealous!!!! stuck here in exam filled singapore... hahaa =) see u when u get back!! take care -bev
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